This blog entry aims to provide homeowners with a broad explanation of the planning process and types of consents associated with extension and refurbishment projects.

Householder Planning Consent
This type of application is simplified process for proposals to expand or modify a house, this does not apply to flats, change of use or works to multiple houses. These are subject to a Full Planning Application.
Not all alterations or extensions are subject to planning permission. Permitted Development Rights enable homeowners to make certain alterations or add extensions that do not require planning approval. We recommend that any works within Permitted Development Rights be formally acknowledged and ‘approved’ as compliant with a Lawful Development Certificate issued by your local authority.
When is consent necessary?
The Planning Portal’s interactive house and list of typical projects provides a wide range of householder developments that may be applicable to your property. Among the most common are:
Loft conversions
Dormer windows
Swimming pools
Walls and fences
Satellite dishes
What information is required to inform a Householder Application?
The information required for this type of application varies depending on the type of alterations proposed. Information requirements for the validation of an application can be broken down in to two categories:
Mandatory National Requirements:
Standard Application Form
Location Plan – This needs to show the site and surrounding area and is based on Ordnance Survey information for which the purchase of a licence is required
Site or Block Plan – This will need to show the proposed development in detail, such as the location and size of extensions
An ownership certificate – These are categorised as A, B C or D and state the ownership of the property
Correct Application Fee – We recommend using the Planning Portal’s fee calculator to confirm the correct fee.
Local Authority planning validation requirements:
These can vary slightly between authorities, the common requirements being:
Existing & Proposed Plans
Existing & Proposed Elevations
Adjoining Elevations
A validation checklist can often be found on your local authority's website.
How long does it take to receive a decision?
The determination period for a Householder Planning Application is 8 weeks. This begins once the application has been validated by your local authority.
Full Planning Consent
This type of application is required for detailed proposals which are not covered under a Householder Application or Permitted Development Rights. Full Planning Permission is often required for:
Construction of new buildings
Commercial projects
Works relating to flats or apartments
Changes to number of dwellings such as converting a house in to flats
Change of use such of both a building and or land. In some cases certain changes of use are permissible under Permitted Development Rights. We suggest referring to the Use Classes section of the Planning Portal website for more information.
Validation requirements are similar to those of a Householder Application. However specific and additional requirements apply to certain types of applications and depend on whether they are major or minor in nature.
How long does it take to receive a decision?
The determination period for a Full Planning Application is 8 weeks for minor applications and 13 weeks for major applications.
What if your property is listed?
If you are looking to make alterations or propose an extension to a listed building you will need to apply for Listed Building Consent. These often require a corresponding Householder or Full Planning application to also be submitted.
What if you are in a Conservation Area?
Alterations or extension to properties within designated Conservations Areas are subject to a planning application and exempt from Permitted Development Rights. Other mechanisms such as an Article 4 Direction can also prevent homeowner form building under Permitted Development Rights. We recommend you check with your local planning authority to confirm whether your property is within one of these area or subject to an Article 4 Direction.
Approval (Discharge) of Conditions
This process is applicable when specific planning conditions have been applied to a planning approval. These often need to be discharged prior to commencement on site or before reaching a certain stage of construction and can include things such as confirmation of proposed materials. This process also takes 8 weeks to determine from validation.
What if you want to make a change to your existing Planning Consent?
If you are looking to make changes to an existing approval you will need to make one of two applications:
Non-material Amendment – This is a mechanism by which you apply to make minor changes.
Removal/ Variation of Conditions – This is required when a more substantial amendment is proposed. This often includes a change to the general appearance or size of the proposal amongst other things.
Lawful Development Certificates
This type of application is recommended when proposing alterations, extension, or conversions within Permitted Development Rights. This serves to formally acknowledge and confirm that your proposal is in line with Permitted Development Rights guidance. Whilst not compulsory, this is recommended particularly when considering future sale of a property.
This type of application take 8 weeks to determine from validation.
What if your application gets refused?
Not all applications will be successful. If your Homeowner or Full Planning Application has been refused you have a right to appeal to the Secretary of State under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 provided you do so within 12 weeks of the decision notice. We recommend appointing a Planning Consultant to undertake this service.
We recommend you visit the Planning Portal for more information on other types of planning consent.